Designing pathways for your success.
At CURRENT, we work alongside you to build actionable steps that meet your needs.
We bring a decade of international experience in project design, strategic thinking and coaching, event planning, workshop development, and dialogue facilitation.
good work starts with good ideas.
We’ve found our niche in delivering dozens of in-person and virtual workshops for hundreds of participants. These trainings are built with a focus on the process, ensuring a commitment to inclusion and engagement and striking a balance between learning, doing, and giving back. Workshops can be driven by your own ideas, or leave it to us to design an interactive and creative experience for your audience.
We have worked internationally, cross-culturally, inter-generationally, and across sectors. Past workshop themes include:
Leadership development
Capacity and skill building
Advocacy and creative communications | Finding and using your voice
Inter-generational dialogue and mentorship
Coordination and movement building for youth and young professionals
Pre-conference mobilization of attendees
strategic Planning
We know, we know - “strategy” is such a buzz word these days…but hear us out.
We’re not interested in helping you to design a document that is going to live on a shelf and never be consulted. We also aren’t in the business of simply helping you transfer what is in your head to a piece of paper. We don’t think you are interested in either of those either (or if you are, we may not be the right partner for you).
Instead, we want to get to the very core of who you are, what you believe, and why you do what you do. We’ll ask you the hard questions, and promise to create a nice, warm, safe place for your to uncover the answers. Only from there will we move to the next step of figuring out, together, what you’re going to do with these discoveries.
We promise that you’ll walk away with something much more meaningful, useful, and tangible than a multi-page binder full of sexy ideas but no soul.
Our specialties include:
New policy or practice advisement and integration (*our speciality is the inclusion and integration of youth and diversity standards into current operations)
Non-profit development
Business practice advisement and integration
Starting from scratch: where do I begin?
Campaign and advocacy design
Our facilitation skills are built on a foundation of seeking first to understand and uncover truths. We’ll help you navigate difficult discussions, charged topics, and change processes through nurturing a climate of respect, inclusion, curiosity, and creativity.
Our dialogue facilitation can help you to build collaborative teams, create effective partnerships, communicate your vision, foster innovation, and allow you to work more effectively across cultures, generations, and contexts.